Books! Books! Books!
The main source of revenue for the Friends has been our monthly book sales on the last Saturday of each month. Our Friends members are admitted at 8:30 A.M. and the general public is admitted at 9:30 AM. The sale ends at 1:00 PM.
Our books are for sale at bargain prices – hard cover books for $1.00, over-sized soft cover books for $ .50, and paperbacks for $ .25. Children’s books are $.50 for hard cover and $ .25 for soft cover. We also sell CD’S .50, books on tape as marked and DVDs for $2.00. (All prices are subject to change.) Special books of greater value such as coffee table-top books, art books, etc. may be specially priced. We NO LONGER are accepting videos (VHS) and Audio tapes.
Our supply and types of donated books are constantly changing, but are always interesting. We have cook books, health books, mysteries, fiction, non-fiction, poetry and prose, travel and foreign language books, etc.
We accept donations, in “good enough condition to be resold“, each Saturday at the library between 9:30 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. at the meeting room patio doors. Please donate your books on non-sale Saturdays as we are very busy on sale Saturdays! We are a nonprofit organization and can provide tax deductible receipts for donations.
We currently have about 16 volunteers who work on an alternating weekend schedule sorting the donated books, helping at the sale by setting the books out on the tables and packing them up at the end of the sale, etc. We could use more volunteers for this project. If you would like to volunteer, speak to a volunteer at the sale and they will refer you to the proper person.
Book Sale Schedule 2018 General Public enters 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
Book Sales are planned for the last Saturday of most months. Our Friends members, 8:30 am early admission, General Public 9:30 am-1:00 pm. Please be careful not to bump your fellow shoppers. We are going green. Please bring your own bags or boxes for your purchases. We thank you and the earth does too.
2017 SCHEDULE: December 30th (Holiday Sale Date)
2018 SCHEDULE: JANUARY 27th, FEBRUARY 24th, MARCH 31st, APRIL 28th, MAY 26th, JUNE 39th, JULY 28th, AUGUST 25th, SEPTEMBER 29th, OCTOBER 27th, NOVEMBER 24th, DECEMBER 29th
Subject to changes and additions.
Reminder for Friends Members: Friends Early bird Admission is 8:30 AM.